Your voice was all I heard
I want you back.


Saw the face of the magically-beautiful Earth with SPZ on 081196.
Father God created me in a unique way, totally!
He, too, sent me to the school of EPPSCGSS
in a class of 1C2C3COURAGE4COURAGE
God ♥s her and she ♥s God(:
And if you hate her terribly, click HERE
Cos' I dont entertain haters reading my life.
Currently adores the song 'The other side of the door.' by TS{L}
A hardcore TaylorSwift fan still stands~♥s

'So the lion fell in love with the lamb.'
'What a stupid lamb.'
'What a sick, masochistic lion.'
-Edward&Bella ; Twilight.

Crap w. me, and spammers will not be entertained.

ShoutMix chat widget

I ain't asking that much;

5.More clothes!♥
6.To be able to go to Church camp & not GC
7.To be able to finish iLead by nxt year.Not possible anymore:/
8.To have PopcornII♥
11.White Hoodie
12.New sneakers
13.Hair Extensions/faster grow LONGERRRForget it.
14.To know right and wrong
15.To ♥&know GOD more(:
18.To have a real bestie
19.Grow taller than Eliz♥
20.And be fortunate for the kins surrounding me(:

Take a big big bow

Please do not remove the credits. :)

Layout/Editor: Purple-licious
Resources: N-serendipity. kisses.away nutzzzzz xoxo

10:33 PM Sunday, November 29, 2009

I dont bother writing anymore. Its not like anyone reads it. -__-' lol.

I officialy hate homework. ESPECIALLY maths. Ass Aiman. Giving work for himself only. What a waste of precious time. Now only left Indonesia and Japan. YAWNS~

Wahh, watch Twilight yesterday. Summit Entertainment sucks. Dont even bother to follow every single detail of the book. The books better, I agree now. Wheres everything? The blue flame? WOW. -________- Anyway shall just watch it again tonight and swoon when Taylor Lautner appears(:

I still haven't gotten my Taylor Swift Plat CD. ): Nidda ask my mother to get it soon. Ask my aunt go to US help me buy HAHAHAH (: And also buy some Icebreaker Sour Sweet(L) Wah seh, they dam nice lorh, they refering to the sweet(: LOL.

;Happy Birthday Ken(: Though I know you wont see this hahaha. LOL, happy mapling?

Wah, Just realised some more homework.




Buhbyehh, and though she cant see this, happy hols Cherie(:

;its always never too late to turn to give a smile.

8:37 PM Friday, November 20, 2009

Hello!!! (:

That day go Rainbow Centre so cool, (: the children there so sweet(: hahahas! Bought a book from there, now i owe Alison 2Bucks. haha, (: then went to plaza sing with Cherie, then ate at macs, sorry Cherie if you didn't like it!!!): Then later go shopping, for a while, and saw this absoulutely cute dress, at 45.50bucks. -.- dream on. ahh, then we decided go to cinemas one day tgth to watch New Moon(L), but so sad she on 16Dec then come back, so watching on 17 18? i dunno. She got 7.50bucks de ticket from membership neh, can save $$ haha(: Then when to Star Factory there the claw machines, saw someone managed to pick up but drop b4 it reached. :/ so sad! then we went to play the sweet game awhile, like once, and won 4 sweets. FOUR. >.<>

Aran quite fun to play leh, but so little exp haha, i rather go train alone, but story mode is cool(: hahaa! But Aran make a lott, I mean A LOT of ppl cant play.

I want play AUDITION.)': WanYi, can change game with you? ):

7:36 PM Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Its disappointment in you, mixed with hatred. You know how it makes me and him feel? I feel as I've lost someone precious that I can count on, that someone whom he _ _ _ _ _ so much. He told me that he has a mixture of sadness; grief and angriness in him, cos' you said you were a burden to him and you needed more time. Even his good fren agrees its a lame and stupid excuse. But its a year. ONE year. How do you think HE can take it. How do you think I can take it. How do you think YOU can take it.

If you can take it, you're ever so heartless, but I know you wont be able to take it, you're probably bleeding inside. I think you should reconsider, like seriously.

Why cant you be open minded, like the behaviour in science should be, and listen to him? You ain't a burden, and will never be one in his life. He already locked you inside with him and threw the key away, but why must you insist on finding the key?

Pls, Im begging you. I am. Pls, just say the 1 syllable, 2 letter word. NO.

You'll not only affect his life, but also his studies and me. If his grades fall, he wont blame you. He would only blame himself. Would you like o see him so zi ze? I hope not. Pls, why dont you just give him a chance? Once a week, its more than enuf. why must you go and , and do this to hurt him and me?

And what he said about me last night, its true.

If you really do that, answer to my parents and me.

But I'll let you know, you'll get it. From me.

6:14 PM Monday, November 16, 2009

im sorry, i guess i should'nt have done that to hurt you, but i hope you understand it wasnt meant to.

im sorry if you hate me now, i dont mind, but i really am.

im sorry if you get mad at me for no reason too, but i'll understand.

im sorry.

6:59 AM

nope, only 1 minute, oops, i mean gtg now, byebye. ):

5:47 PM Sunday, November 8, 2009

yay!!! Cheer cheer, Im older than PeiZhen!!! (: HAHAHS pei, (:

I want more presents, hahahs, I want give Pei present, ahahahs, (:

Nth much to write lah, seriously, not like anything big is happenning,

except that how cute Mabelle was in singing 'Nobody' by th WonderGirls (: hahahs,

No-Bo-Dy No-Bo-Dy but - YOU!

7:44 PM Saturday, November 7, 2009




Finally sweet 13 (:

2:44 AM Thursday, November 5, 2009

Hey, im freakin tired now.. ): Cos' just went to WWW and came back(:

But WWW there keep raining, in the end still went home. Haiiz, didn't even manage to get a wave.):

I dont feel like blogging.


2:21 AM Wednesday, November 4, 2009

HELLO!!! (:

Gosh, todayy so funny leh!!! (: HAHAHAHS, >.<

So today got the hiking thing so boringg, but dam funny can?! (: hahas, when go eat at KFC hor, ZiXin go but BK already by accident, so she eat there lorh, the rest of us eat KFC, then this cranky auntie come and, say:


Wahlao, freakin' funny leh! (: hahas, then later in order to spite her, we go put the BK coke bottle there, bigbig(: Then ran away. hahas(:

Then after that we go to pee horh, saw this nursing room. Dam cool, so we went in to take photos. I know,

hahas, so we when to this confined space with a sofa, then decided how to take. Suddenly horh, got one old auntie come in, say :

LOL! then we ran out laughing, then faster went into 1 cubicle each in the real toilet, HAHAHS, then SiMin go say, why HarbourFront Centre hire so many old cranky aunties one?

Lol, hahahs, gtg le lorh, my mum ):

Byebye till tmr? after wildwildwet(:



2:34 AM Monday, November 2, 2009



Not slept during the whole night?
Answer: Yeah, at camping at ECP(:
Run away from a big angry dog?
Answer: Yeah, my dad almost threw a bike at it to scare it away. It was wild.
Grown a cactus?
Answer: It died.
Grown any plant from a seed?
Answer: Yea, are bean sprouts counted?
Been under a waterfall?
Answer: Erm, yes? If the one at Botanical Gardens is counted. (:
Sit and stare someone (and they stared back) for more than 1 min (not in a staring game)?
Answer: Yeah, with LizzieYANG.
Been out during a snow storm?
Answer: Not really a snowstorm, but if the one at Mt. Ruapehu is counted(:
Lost someone you love?
Answer: I guess?
Met and befriended someone born on the same day as you?
Answer: yeah, twinneh S.PeiZhen. ♥
Been out in the pouring rain for more than 30 min and enjoyed it?
Won a staring-at-each-other-but-not-laughing-game?
Answer: Nope. I can never win that. Lizzie makes me laugh.
Patted a tiger?
Answer: erm, in my dreams?
Seriously fallen in love with a fictional character (ahem, i think most of us have)?
Been completely alone for at least 2 days?
Answer: nope.
Been drunk?
Answer: nope.
Broken someone's window and run away?
Answer: definitely not, Im not that dishonest. (:
Kissed someone?
Insulted a teacher?
Answer: Of course lah, Aiman Lambert and Chris Allen (:
Answer: Nope, never wanna try.
Roller-scated all day?
Answer: An hour I can mange, a day? Sweet DREAMS(:
Fallen into a deep hole in the ground?
Answer: Not deep, just a small ditch yeah. only foot-size LOL.
Had a near-death experience?
Answer: YEAH! Fricking scary!
Fallen in love?
Answer: idk&idc right now.
Fallen out of love?
Answer: idk&idc right now.
Hated someone?
Answer: Definitely. -.- What kind of qn. is this?
Talked on the phone for more than 2 hours in a row?
Answer: nope, 1 h?
Gotten lost in a forest?
Answer: I wish I could, then Edward Cullen comes and saves me (:
Eaten food that you yourself grilled but had burnt it completely black?
Answer: Yeah.
Slept in a tent?
Answer:yeah, coolness(:
Held a butterfly in your hands?
Answer: I WANT TO!
Fallen asleep to your favourite music?
Answer: Yeah, but battery went flat after a while-.-
Killed something other than a insect or spider?
Answer: Erm, no? I LOVE ANIMALS CAN?
Forgotten something VERY IMPORTANT?
Answer: Yeah, my no. for cross-country(:
Listened to the same favourite song over and over again more than 10 times?
Texted/sms-ed someone half of the night?
Answer:erm, nope. :/
Sung karaoke?
Answer: yeah definitely.
Eaten a whole giant cake by yourself?
Answer: nope.!its too fattening < Liz's post;mine> I agree.
Spent the whole day reading?
Answer: You could say that again.
Broken up with someone?
Answer: nope, never even got attached.
Quit smoking?
Answer: i dont even smoke here , hellooooo ~~ yeah...
Tried smoking?
Answer: never want to.
Kissed a photo of someone other than your family or a celebrity?
Answer: 0.0 MERILYN PG 13!
Enjoyed thunder, rain and lightning?
Answer: Rain yes, thunder no, lightning DEFINIETLY NOT.
Climbed a tree and not been able to climb down and forced to ask someone to take you down?
Answer: nope, climbed yes, and I jumped down myself(:
Started loving something you used to hate?
Answer: erm, no?
Won a dare?
Answer: YES
Lost a dare?
Answer: idk?
Eaten strawberries until you felt sick?
Answer: .. totally?
Cried 2 hours in a row?
Answer: maybe an hour over Popcorn?
Baked a cake?
Answer: Cupcakes?
Banged your head against the wall on purpose?
Answer: Everyone does that!
Pretended to listen to someone and got caught on it?
Answer: Yeah. My brother.
Tried to swim somewhere where the water is only up to your knees?
Answer: Yeah, and I injured myself. LOL
Gotten a paper cut?
Answer: YEAH fricking pain can?
Fallen down the stairs?
Answer: Nope, LOl.
Tried on a wedding dress?
Answer: nope.
Washed a huge pile of dishes by yourself?
Answer: Nope, hahahs Eliz(:
Had a long conversation on the phone with a stranger?
Answer: Nope.
Gotten a big encyclopedia as a present from a relative?
Answer: Whoever gives me that I'll bang their head against the dictionary/encyclopedia the no. of pages it has.
Fallen asleep outdoors?
Answer: idk?
Thought that this quiz will never end?
Answer: yes.. duh..

2:10 AM

hey peepos,

)'; why must you miss it.. its freakin' impt to me, and you're much more impt. to me than any other person in the world besides parents, and you have to go and miss it. ): nth you do will heal my broken heart, if you had any idea how sad I was on Sunday, then pls, not even giving me an MP3 will help, I'd rather give it back to you so you would come. Serious.

On to the nicer stuff?

(: hey, went shopping today and bought nth. zilch zero nth. LOL :/ so sad ):

Tmr gonna wake up early. 7 leh, wth.. then Wed still got Southern Ridges hike ): dont like. I realised that I just went there on Sunday too. -.- wow, and it was fascinating. NOT

oh, and waking up at 7 is to meet Eliz and DaYi and PoPo and Mabelle at Yishun for noodles. Another fascinating breakfast. I hate noodles. ): But maybe nice lorh, but I still dont like noodles, except CUPNOODLES(: ♥ YAY(:


12:18 AM Sunday, November 1, 2009

To You: I guess its over, I ain't gonna mind, but what you told me last time, I still remb. , you went against it. Wow.


Im not gonna show any photos, cos even if I show, no one would appreciate. LOL!(:

Anyway, these have been a hard time for me. I even thought of closing this blog, bcos n one comes here and its hopeless. Cos nth I do will make you come back to me. Aye?

Only a few would know how hard it was, indescribable. It might even make the toughest person cry, but for a weakling, you never know.

Thats what I am. A weakling. As said. Right, my 'friend'?
This aint flaming. After all, a blog is meant for feelings, and Im just expressing my feelings as a straight forward person would do, wont you? (: I you dont put feelings in a blog, then wth is a blog for? If someone can tell me the answer, I would give them a kiss, np, but of course I wont. -.- And no names mentioned, you should be glad Im keeping your identity a secret.

If you know how hard the times I've been through, then dont bother me, it would probably only makes things worse. Serious.

So to those out there who had hurt me deeply, the number of you, dont sympathise, dont pity, cos its probably you whom hurt me, and I do hope you'll feel it.

God taught me a valuable lesson a few years ago, but I had hardly applied it, and I shall apply it today.

I forgive, & I forget.♥